Home Learning

Week 6 (Due Friday unless it says otherwise)

    1. Goals: These are shared in your Goal folder. Please complete them and share with me when you have finished (3 points if shared Monday, 2 if shared Tuesday) Must be shared by Wednesday. Email me if you have problems with this.
    2. Reflection: How are things going? You need to write me 3 paragraphs (1 thing you are proud of, 1 thing that is worrying you that you want a hand with, and 1 thing of interest you would like to share)
    3. Reading Logs and Mathletics are every week!
    4. Mojos are looking great. Please finish these at home when you have time.
    5. Extra for experts - cook your family a beautiful meal or do some home baking!

    Week 4 - Term 1:
    You have all been emailed a reading log. You are to make a copy of it, save it into your home learning folder and complete it during the week. You are expected to read AT LEAST 20 minutes four nights a week at home.

    Maths - Your mathletics account will be set up this week and we will buddy teacher how to use it. Mathletics is a great way to complement strategy work at school. The focus for the next couple of weeks is on Number work.

    I would like you to try and earn 1,000 points a week on activities. Although that sounds like a lot, it is pretty easy to achieve I promise! You are allowed to use Live Mathletics for your points this week if you want to.  (Janice, I will talk to you as you might be too busy with Pythagorus to do this as well.)

    Overnighter - meal planning this week. Start thinking about groups and menu ideas - who would you like to work with? What ideas do you have to offer your group? You only have one cooker in each group ....

    Week 3 - Term 1:
    Some people have done really well with their pepeha.  It looks like a number of students need a reminder / refresher about some aspects so we will try and find time next week. Well done to those of you who have learnt it off by heart....and those of you who are working in two languages.
    Ka pai koutou (well done to you all).

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